Thursday, November 13, 2008

The First Pet: President Elect Promised a Pet to Malia and Sasha

What should the first pet be? Clinton had a dog and a cat. See the list below:

What kind of puppy should Barack Obama get his daughters to bring to the White House? He can look to past presidents for inspiration. Dogs are the clear favorite among American presidents and other heads of states. As the hunt continues for the next First Dog, which Sen. Obama promised his daughters if he won the election, we take a look at past power pets.

The Illustrious List of Presidential Pets: Barack Obama Follows Bush who Follows Clinton....

Bill Clinton
George H. W. Bush
Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Carter
Gerald Ford
Richard Nixon
Lyndon B. Johnson
John F. Kennedy
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Harry S. Truman
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge
Warren G. Harding
Woodrow Wilson
William Howard Taft
Theodore Roosevelt
William McKinley
Benjamin Harrison
Grover Cleveland
Chester A. Arthur
  • No record of any pets
James A. Garfield
Rutherford B. Hayes
Ulysses S. Grant
  • Butcher Boy, Cincinnatus (a gift from the citizens of Cincinnati, Ohio), Egypt, Jeff Davis (his wartime mount), Jennie, Julia, Mary and St. Louis - Horses
  • Billy Button and Reb - Ponies
  • Faithful - Newfoundland
  • Rosie - Dog
Andrew Johnson
Abraham Lincoln
  • Nanny and Nanko - goats
  • Jack - Turkey
  • Fido - Dog
  • Horse
  • Rabbit
James Buchanan
Franklin Pierce
  • Seven miniature Oriental dogs
  • Two birds from Japan
Millard Fillmore
Zachary Taylor
James K. Polk
John Tyler
William Henry Harrison
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Jackson
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
George Washington

Help the Obamas Find The Right Dog For Their Daughters

The 44th President Elect and his wife are looking for a pet for their daughters. They want to keep their promises. The pet is going to the white house with them. Mr. Obama joked about wanting a "mutt like him." Now he has no clue about which pet to get. The Obamas want you to help them find the right pet for their daughters.

You can give your ideas on this blog. In the comment section, go ahead and submit your ideas.

Think about the qualities a good dog will have around people in the white house.

You can submit your ideas to pamperedpetsfunstuff at too. good luck to you!

Pampered Pets Receive Perks from

If you are too busy to take care of your pets, just call Concierge Pet Carriers in Fresno. If you are an elderly pet owner and can not afford to take your pets to appointments in other cities, rely on the transportation of For only $25, your pet will be transported, delivered and returned. If you want a home visit with feed, water and bulk pick up, you will add $20 per day. Do not forget that your mail will also be delivered. If you have a dead pet, Jason Abate will be there to pick up the carcass. The American Pet Products Manufacturing Association states that this is an expanding industry. Pampered pets receive all kinds of perks such as spas and day care services. They stay in hotels, get massages and receive all kinds of care.
Related Pet Services offered by StuffonmyPamperedPets

Order a poem for your pet's memory: Order a Pet Poem now
Services Offered by StuffonmyPamperedPets
PetCareOutsource: If you do not have time to take care of your pets, we do. For the right fees, we will help you take care of yours in the right way. Transportation, feeding, walking, watering, canine ejections for $40.00 per session. Long-term accounts can be set up to lower the fees.
Pet Funeral Minister: Send off the spirit of your beloved pet with the right funeral service. If you need the right passage to help you focus in the days ahead without your pets, then you need to request a passage, a poem or some reading from the Pet Funeral Minister. $40

Alleviate your pain by ordering a poem or some light reading from Pet Poems: Celebrate the Life of your pet with a commissioned poem

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

When Dogs Die, Do They Go To Heaven?

This is a question you may have to answer for your kids. When their beloved pet dies, where does he/she go?

I had to answer this question when a pitbull attacked my son's chihuahua and tore him into pieces. No need to say that the dog died on the impact of the vicious attack. My son cried for a few days. He stopped crying when I told him he could get a new pet dog. The question is where the dog goes after death. Where does the pet go after death?

Where is heaven? I told him stories about a pet cemetery heaven located above the hills of San Francisco. This may be considered pet heaven. The owners of those pets decided to have the cemetery overlooking the ocean. The spirits of those pets continue to roam.

Heaven for pets is what you make it out to be. Please feel free to answer this question

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How to Submit to!

Do you want to feature your pets (cats, dogs, ponies, rabbits and others) on

Here are a few things to remember about the size of your images and other info we need.

1.) Just know that we will edit your pictures to fit in our blog/site.

2.) Make sure to include your name and cat’s name in the e-mail. This way, we can give you proper credits. Only send pictures you took.

3.) You can send as many pictures and as often as you would like. The best pictures will be selected to feature on Have fun but do not endanger your pets’ life for fun!

4.) If you like this blog, please other animal lovers, pet guardians about it. We also appreciate your donation to defray costs.

Please make sure to read our Terms and Conditions in regards to submitting stuff to us. Please send your images to pamperedpetsfunstuff at

Before you submit any files to, please read the following: (This is only the legalese you have to put up with, but it is necessary. Here we go!)

You agree that when you send a Submission via email to this Website, you grant Stuffonmypamperedpets and it's owners a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use the work. We may use, copy, sublicense, adapt, transmit, distribute, publish, display or otherwise use it as we see fit, in our sole discretion. By making a Submission, you waive the right to make any claim against, its owners or any of its respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders relating to the Submission, including, but not limited to, unfair competition, invasion of privacy, negligence, breach of implied contract or breach of confidentiality. Without limitation of the foregoing, we shall exclusively own all now-known or hereafter existing rights to the Submissions of every kind and nature throughout the universe and shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Submission for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without any compensation to the provider of the Submission.

You also agree that we shall be free to use any ideas, concepts or techniques embodied in the Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing, and marketing products or services incorporating such ideas, concepts, or techniques. In addition, you hereby waive all moral rights you may have in any materials uploaded or sent to us by you.

You understand that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials ("Content"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from which such Content originated. This means that you, and not us, are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available to us. Under no circumstances will we be liable in any way for the Content, including, but not limited to, for any errors or omissions in any Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via the website.

How to submit your own picture:

Send all images, questions or comments to Multiple submissions are welcome and very much encouraged. We prefer files in .jpg format. We can also handle files in other formats.

How do you pamper your pets? Do you take them out to games, parks, socials & Parties?

Where do you shop with your dogs, cats and other pets? aims at showing all types of fun we can have with our pets. This is a blog for animal lovers who will do great and fun things with their pets. Whether you have a pup, a dog, a cat, a pony, a donkey, a goat, a chicken, a rabbit, a pig or mouse, a cobra, snake, a rooster, a bird, stuffonmypamperedpets wants to see how you have fun with your pets. Submit your fun and non-dangerous pictures at pamperedpetsfunstuff at

Credits are given to this Cowboy fan who posed for us and allowed us to take pictures of his girlfriend's dog and fashion sense!